Whether you’re still in lockdown or on the other side – the song that has been by your side in your lockdown.

Track 1: Cacao – Remasterizado – Grupo Algo Nuevo
Some days lockdown makes me feel like my skeleton needs to pop out of my skin just for something to do. When that feeling comes on I put this banger on and shimmy through each room in the apartment a couple of times.

Track 2: What’s Goin’ On – Marvin Gaye
50 years since this song was released and still as relevant today as it was then.

Track 3: Breeze Blocks Alt -J
A song that appeared in my life during lockdown and stayed on rotation.

Track 4: Karaköy Brazilian Girls
My obsession for this band grew over lockdown. This song in particular – really beautiful lyrics. Oh and the lead singer is super cool.

Track 5: White Elephant Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
White Elephant is from the first ever Nick Cave and Warren Ellis album (that is not a movie soundtrack); released during RockDown 2021.

Some reviews have suggested that the album ‘White Elephant’ is sourced from (namely ‘Carnage’) is further evidence of a late career golden era for 2 mainstays of iconic band Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds.

Such comments allude to the idea that there has been a dip at some point previously. However with arguably only one below average release between them (namely ‘Nocturama’ way back in 2003), Carnage should perhaps simply be viewed as another entry in an ever growing list of outstanding ‘Cave Collective’ related releases (check out both ‘Grinderman’ albums and every ‘Dirty Three’ release if further evidence is required).

White Elephant is a brooding 6 minute journey that demands an attentive first listen – and then many re-listens.

When the mid-song chant heavy refrain begins it is near impossible to not join in – and perhaps visualise being part of the congregation when (hopefully) Nick, Warren and the entire clan of Bad Seeds add this tune to their live repertoire … once Covid19 becomes so last year.

Track 6: Siren Half Waif
This song was one of my early pandemic discoveries, an escapist gem and a bit of a rollercoaster, albeit not a particularly long one. One moment you’re free falling, the next you’re being gently lowered to the ground. Half Waif also excel at integrating really strange sounds into quite welcoming melodies.

Track 7: Astronaut – Jack Ladder
Encapsulates all the ‘when we get out of this…’ apathy that I’m feeling right now.

Track 8: Something to Believe – Weyes Blood
A really sweet song about a struggle with hope that works to capture a quotidian kind of sadness. It just always ends up making me feel better.

Track 9: Nearly Forgot my Broken Heart – Chris Cornell
I love Chris Cornell. The Album this song comes from, Higher Truth, is one of his best solo albums. I miss hearing new music from him and during our lockdowns, I have been playing this regularly just because it is a great song.

Track 10: You and Me – Penny and the Quarters
Sharing a playlist with our songs.

Track 11: Hey It’s Love – The Commands
Falling in love during a global pandemic.

Track 12: Rupture 2 Merde – Therapie TAXI
I currently have this on repeat.

Track 13: Like Acid Rain – Unknown Mortal Orchestra
I’ve been using lockdown to get back into music and this is one of the songs I’m covering.

Track 14: Heathens – Twenty One Pilots
Because I feel exactly like the members of the Suicide Squad, locked up and when free again in desperate need to blow off some steam.

Track 15: Grunewald – Tess Parks and Anton Newcombe
A psychedelic orgasm that hypnotises you with its driving harmonica and strung out vocals. I choose this song because for me its a musical vaccination of sorts due to its ability to transport you to a different time and place.

Track 16: Simply Irresistible – Robert Palmer
Looks it’s certainly not highbrow, but it popped up randomly last week and cut through. Sure I was still doing my boring WFH 10 hour slog, but I was dancing in my seat.